Food hygiene rating scheme : Request for a re-visit

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Use this form to request for a re-visit(Food hygiene rating scheme).

To complete this form you will need

  • your contact details
  • details of your question or enquiry

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Notes for businesses:

  • If you have improved your hygiene or structural standards highlighted by the inspecting officer in your inspection report, you can request a revisit to be carried out with a view to being issued a new food hygiene rating.
  • You should try to provide as much evidence as possible to demonstrate that you have improved in one or all of the three scoring areas as listed in the actions taken section.
  • Once you have paid, a re-visit will take place within 3 months of making a request. The inspecting officer will give a food hygiene rating based on the level of compliance that is found at the time of the inspection. Please note that ratings can go up, down or remain the same.
  • Any non-compliance with food law found during an inspection will be assessed using our published enforcement policy and the FHRS Brand Standard.
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