Cemetery fees and charges

Fees and charges 2024

1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025

Purchase fees

Purchase of exclusive right of burial of a single grave 8' x 4'[1]

For a period of 100 years immediate use - £1937.00

For a period of 100 years future use - £2885.00

To extend exclusive right of burial for additional 25 years - £303.00

Purchase of exclusive right of burial of a "Classic Traditional" 10' x 5' grave brick vault [2]

For a period of 100 years, immediate use - £3323.00

For a period of 100 years future use - £4795.00

To extend exclusive right of burial for additional 25 years - £1131.00

Purchase of exclusive right of burial of cremated remains

4' x 4' grave    
For a period of 100 years: immediate use - £903.00
For a period of 100 years: future use - £1367.00

2'6" x 3' [3]     
For a period of 100 years immediate use - £667.00
For a period of 100 years future - £1007.00

To extend exclusive right of burial for additional 25 years - £255.50

Interment fees

Each coffin burial, to a depth not exceeding seven feet - £1,660.00

Casket Burial or oversized coffin - £1,736.00

Muslim Burial Englefield Green (Weekdays normal hours) - £1,660.00

Children's graves

Where the deceased is a child under the age of 18 years interment fees will be charged at 50% and where appropriate claimed under the Children's Fund for England.

Vault bricked grave

For the right to construct a vault [4] - £2727.00

Reopening of standard brick vault  - £700.00

Garden of remembrance  (Addlestone Cemetery only)

Interment of cremated remains - £327.00

Provision and installation of plaque by council - £147.00

Memorial fees

Right to place a headstone no higher than 3'3" x 2'6" - £267.80

Right to place kerb set not to exceed 6'6" x 2'6" - £267.50

Right to place a book or tablet memorial - £200.00

Right to place a memorial on classic grave space - £1052.00

Right to add an additional Inscription to an existing memorial £124.00


Completion of exhumation application - £124.00

For supervision only of removal of coffin - Price on application

For supervision only of removal cremated remains - Price on application

Administration and other fees

Registration of transfer of exclusive right of burial (will or probate provided) - £123.00  
Registration of Transfer of Exclusive Right of Burial (will or probate not provided) - £134.00                                                       

Postponement or cancellation of burial after notice has been received - £452.00

Grave selection fee (for Cemeteries Manager to attend) - £172.80

Copy of exclusive right of burial - £123.00

Hire of Addlestone Chapel (hourly charge)  - £138.00

Genealogy search fees

Search fee per interment - £25.00

Enquires requesting confirmation of grave reference number or known grave - No charge

[1] Inclusive of a 9" wide grass walkway surrounding space.

[2] Inclusive of a 9" wide grass walkway surrounding space.

[3] Where available.

[4] In addition to the purchase fee of a classic traditional grave and not inclusive of the vault construction fee. Vault construction fees available on request.