Grant funding

Youth development fund

A total of £35,000 has been allocated to the Youth Development Fund for 2024/25 to support the development of youth activities and services provided by the voluntary, community and faith sector, upon whom many children, young people and families rely.

The focus of this fund is to promote capacity building and the creation of new projects and initiatives to benefit children and young people in Runnymede.

Grants of up to £7,000 are available to voluntary, community and faith sector organisations, based in, or operating within, Runnymede borough, and delivering services directly to residents under 18.

Please complete the application form with as much detail as possible. Please be specific as possible with regards to the funding amounts requested (e.g. provide quotations and use exact costs and detailed descriptions of costs). This will help strengthen your application at the review stage.

If your application is broad with vague funding amounts, it is likely to be unsuccessful.   

An informal online surgery event will be held on Monday 3 June for anyone wishing to discuss their idea before making a submission. Email to book a 20 minute slot, specifying your preferred time between 10am and 3pm.

The deadline for applications is Sunday 28 July 2024 at 11:59pm. Applications will be considered by a panel on Wednesday 31 July 2024 and recommendations made to Community Services Committee on Thursday 19 September 2024. Applications will then go to the final stage of review at Corporate Management Committee on Thursday 26 September 2024.

Apply online

You can see what we funded last year out of the Youth development Fund 23/24 in the November 2023 Community Services Committee report.

Grants to benefit Chertsey shopfronts

Grants of up to £20,000 are now available to Chertsey businesses which want to smarten up their frontages.

Grants to benefit Chertsey shopfronts
A shopping street