Assets of community value

The listing of community assets formed part of the Government's localism agenda.

Under the Localism Act 2011 we are required to maintain a list of landholdings in the Borough which are of 'community value' - where the asset furthers the social wellbeing or social interests of the local community.

Local voluntary or community groups can make a submission, or community nomination, as to what land should be included on that list. Provided that the formalities for a nomination are met, it is a matter for the local authority to decide if the nomination should succeed.

Community asset nomination form

In the event of a successful nomination and listing, a moratorium on the sale of the asset for a maximum of five years is brought into effect. This moratorium operates to prevent a 'relevant disposal' until a series of conditions are met.

Procedure Guide explains the scheme in more detail and clarifies how it will operate in Runnymede. The Notes summarise that guide.