CIL exemptions and relief

The CIL Regulations set out exemptions or relief for certain types of development. This includes

  • exemptions for residential extensions/annexes
  • self-build housing
  • social housing
  • charitable development.

Where development qualifies, these exemptions are mandatory, but must be applied for and granted by the Council before development commences. If development commences prior to the Council granting an exemption or relief the full amount of CIL will be payable.

If you consider that your development benefits from a CIL exemption or relief you can apply using the forms on the Planning Portal  website (Forms 7-10). In some cases such as social housing relief and self-build housing, liability must be assumed before a claim for an exemption or relief can be granted.

Please note that all CIL forms (except Form 1) need to be dated and manually signed by the liable person or claimant. Forms cannot be signed by an agent on the liable person’s behalf.  All CIL forms must include handwritten signatures - typing in a person(s)/company name will no longer be acceptable.

Further guidance on CIL can be found on the Planning Portal and on the government website

Get in touch about CIL

The quickest way to contact us is by using our online forms which are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you need to speak to us give us a call during office hours and talk to our Customer Services team who will be happy to help.