Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) surcharges and interest

Runnymede Borough Council will apply list of surcharges and interest as set out in the table below and in accordance with Part 9 of the CIL Regulations 2010 (as amended).

CIL Surcharges and Interest
Failure to assume liability (Regulation 80) £50 surcharge on each person liable to pay CIL if: i) Nobody has assumed liability to pay CIL in respect of the chargeable development; and ii)The Chargeable development has commenced
Apportionment of liability (Regulation 81) Where Runnymede is required to apportion liability to pay CIL between each material interest in the relevant land it will impose a surcharge of £500 in respect of each of those interests.
Failure to submit a Notice of Chargeable Development (Regulation 82) Runnymede will impose a surcharge equal to 20% of the chargeable amount payable or £2,500, whichever is the lower amount
Failure to submit a Commencement Notice (Regulation 83) When a chargeable development or a relevant development has commenced before Runnymede receive a valid commencement notice it will impose a surcharge equal to 20% of the chargeable amount or notional chargeable amount or £2500 whichever is the lower amount.
Disqualifying events (Regulation 84) When the CIL payment due is not received in full after the end of the period of 30 days, Six months, 12 months beginning with the day on which the payment is due, Runnymede will impose a surcharge of 5% of the monies due or £200 whichever is the great amount
Surcharge for Late Payment (Regulation 85)

When the CIL payment due is not received in full after the end of the period of 30 days beginning with the day on which the payment is due, Runnymede will impose a surcharge of 5% of the monies due or £200 whichever is the greater amount; and

If any part of the monies due is not received after the end of the period of six months beginning with the day on which payment is due, Runnymede will impose a surcharge of 5% of the unpaid amount or £200, whichever is the greater amount; and

If any part of the monies due is not received after the end of the period of 12 months beginning with the day on which payment is due, Runnymede will impose a surcharge equal to five per cent of the unpaid amount or £200, whichever is the greater amount.

Failure to comply with an Information Notice (Regulation 86) When a person fails to comply with any requirement of an information notice before the end of the period of 14 days beginning with the day on which the notice is served, Runnymede will impose a surcharge of 20% of the relevant amount or £1000 whichever is the lower amount.
Late Payment Interest (Regulation 87) If the CIL payment due is not received on the date it is due, late payment interest will be added. Late payment interest is calculated from the period starting on the day after the payment was due and ending on the day the unpaid amount is received, at an annual rate of 2.5% above the Bank of England base rate