Protecting children and adults from harm

If you are concerned for the safety of a child or an adult with care and support needs who is experiencing or at risk of experiencing abuse or neglect you should contact the Children’s Single Point of Contact (C-SPA) or the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH). In an emergency (such as immediate danger to self or others) you should call 999 immediately.

What is abuse?

Abuse can take many forms including

  • Physical abuse - includes being hit, shaken, kicked, being locked in a room or being put in an inappropriate restraint
  • Sexual abuse - includes being made to take part in a sexual activity when a person has not given or are not able to give their informed consent
  • Psychological abuse - includes being shouted at, ridiculed, or bullied, threatened with harm, blamed or controlled by intimidation or fear
  • Financial or material abuse - includes theft, fraud, financial exploitation, and being pressured in connection with financial matters or misuse of someone else's finances
  • Neglect - includes the failure to provide essential care and support needs that results in someone being harmed
  • Discrimination - includes ill treatment, harassment, threats or insults due to a person's age, gender, sexuality, disability, race or religious belief
  • Modern slavery - this includes human trafficking and forced labour

Who can raise a Safeguarding concern?

Anyone can raise a safeguarding concern. For example, a friend, family member, carer, a professional working with vulnerable individuals with care and support needs or someone who thinks they themselves have been abused.

When should you raise a safeguarding concern?

If you are at risk of abuse or neglect, or you suspect someone else is, please report it now.

If you suspect abuse, reporting it can bring it to an end. It is everyone's business to look out for others and protect them from abuse.

How do I raise a Safeguarding concern?

See below for details of how to report a safeguarding concern

  Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm Out of hours phone (Emergency Duty Team)
Phone 0300 470 9100 01483 517898

Children -

Adult -

Out of hours -

For further information please visit

If you have already been in touch and would like to contact your allocated social worker or family support worker directly please contact

  • Children's Social Care Services (North West team) on 0300 123 1630
  • Adult Social Care (Runnymede Locality team) on 01932 794 800

Other useful contacts

The Council holds statutory responsibilities in relation to the Safeguarding of Children and Adults and has Safeguarding Policy which sets out both the duties of the Council and responsibilities of individual staff members.