Memorandum of Understanding between Slough Borough Council and Runnymede Borough Council on Strategic Planning and the "Duty to Co-operate" on Planning Matters.
In the light of the Duty to Cooperate, Slough Borough Council and Runnymede Borough Council have agreed this Memorandum of Understanding for topics of shared strategic concern. These topics include housing, employment, provision of traveller accommodation, and Green Belt.
This Memorandum of Understanding builds on long established joint working between the local authorities and acknowledges where issues cannot be resolved
The following schedules identify those matters where agreement has been reached and also where further cooperation will be undertaken to seek resolution of outstanding issues.
Schedule : Housing Market Areas and Functional Market Areas
Slough Borough Council
- Slough Borough Council is within Housing Market Area referred to as the 'Eastern Berkshire Housing Market Area'. This comprises the administrative areas of Slough Borough Council, The Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead and South Bucks District Council. This is based on the findings of the Berkshire (including South Bucks) Strategic Housing Market Assessment published in February 2016.
- Slough Borough Council lies in the East Berkshire Functional Market Area (FEMA).
Runnymede Borough Council
- Runnymede Borough is within Housing Market Area referred to as the 'Runnymede Spelthorne Housing Market Area'. This comprises the administrative areas of Runnymede Borough Council and Spelthorne Borough Council. This is based on the findings of the Runnymede BC & Spelthorne BC Strategic Housing Market Assessment published in November 2015.
- Runnymede Borough is considered to sit on the edges of two different FEMA's. The northern part of the Borough is assessed as sitting within wider FEMA that focusses on Heathrow Airport at its centre, with the strongest relationships being with Spelthorne, Hounslow and the southernmost part of Hillingdon, due to the location of Heathrow Airport. The southern parts of Runnymede Borough are considered to set on the edge of South West London/M3/A3 corridor market. The analysis carried out indicates that in this wider FEA, Runnymede has functional links with Woking and Elmbridge.
These studies have both been consulted on.
It is agreed that Runnymede Borough and Slough Borough lie in separate Housing Market Areas and Functional Economic Market Areas.
Schedule : Objectively Assessed Needs (OAN) for Housing and Employment
Slough Borough Council
- joint SHMA with the Berkshire authorities showed that Slough has an OAN of 927 dwellings per year from 2013-2036.
- joint East Berkshire EDNA identified the labour supply led gross employment land requirements for industrial uses as 180 ha.
Runnymede Borough Council
- In January 2018, Runnymede published partial update to the 2015 Runnymede Spelthorne SHMA which concludes that Runnymede's proportion of the OAN for the wider HMA is 498dpa up to 2030.This figure includes the provision of affordable homes.
- In January 2018, Runnymede published an update to its employment land forecasts. This shows that up to 2030 Runnymede has need to provide between 62,424sqm (6.8ha) and 79,171sam (8.6ha) of office (B1a/) floorspace, and between 20,209 (5.1ha) and 27,464sqm (6.9ha) of industrial (B1c, B2 and B8) floorspace.
Slough Borough Council and Runnymede Borough Council will keep each other informed of any changes to their respective OANs for housing, employment
Schedule : Unmet Housing Need
Slough Borough Council
- Slough Borough Council is unable to meet its full objectively assessed housing need of 927 dwellings per year from 2013-2036. The Issues and Options document (January 2017) identified potential shortfall of 6,000-8,000 dwellings.
Runnymede Borough Council
- The Runnymede draft Local Plan sets out that it anticipates being able to meet its identified needs over the first five year period of the Local Plan. The draft Local Plan sets out that over the period of the Plan there is estimated to be shortfall of 27 units.
The authorities will keep each other informed of the proportion of any unmet need in housing required in the plan period. At this stage Runnymede and Slough are unlikely to be able to take any of each other's unmet need
Schedule : Unmet Need for Employment Floorspace
Slough Borough Council
- Slough Borough Council is not able to provide the labour supply led gross employment land requirements for industrial uses (180 ha) identified in the East Berkshire EDNA.
- Slough Borough Council will seek to meet its need for jobs to allow Slough to maintain its economic position in the sub-region.
- The final provision of employment growth will in part depend on decisions about Heathrow.
Runnymede Borough Council
- The draft Local Plan sets out that Runnymede currently has pipeline supply of estimated supply of 80,260sqm in its Strategic Employment Areas and on its proposed employment allocation. This would meet approximately 97% of the Council's identified needs. The Council continues to analyse its pipeline supply across the remainder of the Borough but remains confident of meeting needs in full.
- The final provision of employment growth will in part depend on decisions about Heathrow.
The authorities will keep each other informed of the proportion of any unmet need in employment required in the plan period. At this stage Runnymede and Slough are unlikely to be able to take any of each other's unmet need.
Schedule : Green Belt
Slough Borough Council
- Slough Borough Council Issues and Options document includes an option for releasing Green Belt land for housing.
Runnymede Borough Council
- Runnymede Borough Council's draft Local Plan proposes to release Green Belt land to meet identified development needs.
The authorities will keep each other informed of the approach to Green Belt. Schedule : Provision for Gypsy, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople (GTTS) Slough Borough Council
- Slough Borough Council has yet to commission Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Accommodation Assessment.
Runnymede Borough Council
Runnymede Borough Council published its updated Gypsy, Traveller Accommodation Assessment in January 2018. Need for 112 gypsy pitches and 19 travelling showmen plots has been identified up to 2030. The Council proposes to allocate 35 pitches in the emerging Local Plan and return further 48 pitches which are authorised for occupation for gypsies and travellers but which are not currently being used for this purpose back into use for gypsies and travellers. The Council is currently carrying out separate piece of work which seeks to identify how the remaining 48 pitches and plots will be met in the Borough over the period of the Local Plan. It is not yet known if Runnymede will be able to meet its identified needs in full.
Neither authority is currently requesting the other authority to accommodate unmet needs for travellers. However this will be kept under review once the evidence has been produced.
This Memorandum of Understanding provides framework for joint working between Slough Borough Council and Runnymede Borough Council. This document will be reviewed at joint Duty to Cooperate meeting held in April each year. Until otherwise agreed Runnymede will act as the secretariat for this meeting.
Where either of the parties to this Statement is undertaking Regulation 18 consultation, Regulation 19 publication or submitting plan it will be the responsibility of that party to coordinate the review and updating of this Memorandum of Understanding for that event as necessary.
On behalf of Slough Borough Council
On behalf of Runnymede borough Council
On behalf of Slough Borough Council
On behalf Runnymede Borough Council
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