Housing help
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What help can I get with my housing if I am in the UK through the Homes for Ukraine Scheme ?
Runnymede Borough Council want to ensure that you have suitable accommodation.
If you know your sponsor placement is likely to end contact us as soon as possible at ukrainian@runnymede.gov.uk
We can assist with
- how to find accommodation in the private rented sector. Depending on your financial circumstances, the Council may be able to help with money towards a deposit. Note the Council cannot act as guarantors for tenancy agreements
- a rematch with another host
- emergency accommodation if you have nowhere to stay; although it may be out of the Runnymede borough
General housing advice can be found in the housing section of the website.
Council Tax
If you are hosting a Ukrainian guest, or family, in your current home any existing Council Tax discounts will not be affected.
If you are hosting a Ukrainian guest in accommodation, separate to your main accommodation, we ask that you register the Council Tax in the name(s) of your Ukrainian guests. This will ensure that any appropriate discounts are applied to the account.
If the Sponsor has agreed to be responsible for paying the Council Tax on behalf of their guests, the guests are able to elect for all Council Tax bills to be sent to the Sponsor’s address. Please use the email below.
If you are a Ukrainian guest renting your own property register for Council Tax using your details.
In all of the above circumstances, once you have registered for Council Tax, email ukrainian@runnymede.gov.uk or call 01932 838383 (option 1) to inform Runnymede Borough Council that the property is occupied by someone in the UK under the Government’s Homes for Ukraine scheme.
Local housing advice
General housing advice and information
Private rented sector
We advise you to start saving some money towards your future housing costs. If you are working and/or in receipt of benefits, it would help you if you can save some of this so that you can afford household items when you move.
You may wish to contact local estate agents about private rented properties and register your details with them so that you are contacted when something suitable becomes available.
You should look in local newspapers, shop windows and online for private rented housing.
Benefit cap
The benefit cap is a limit on the total amount of benefit you can get. Please be aware of this when you start renting and applying for Housing Allowance.
Benefits affected by the cap - Benefit cap
Also visit Citizens Advice Bureau prior to renting
Local Housing Allowance
We generally recommend that you rent a property at the local housing allowance rate for the size of the property you need
Please be aware that the Local Housing Allowance rates do vary from area to area, you can check the rates on the website
How to rent: the checklist for renting in england
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