Council Tax Support scheme consultation

We would like you to tell us what you think about proposed changes to our Council Tax Support Scheme.

The proposed changes to the scheme will affect working age households in Runnymede who will get Council Tax Support from 1 April 2025. Pension age households (those aged 66 and over) will not see any change as the rules for this group are set by the government.

This Council Tax Support scheme for working age households is a means tested discount that helps households on low incomes pay their Council Tax bill. The level of support given depends on the income and things that may affect how much a household can pay.

Since 2019, Runnymede Borough Council has provided a Council Tax Support scheme that helps working age households, on a low income, with up to 80% of Council Tax Band D. Vulnerable working age households, on a low income could get up to 90% Council Tax Band D.

We recognise that increases are affecting those on the lowest income in our community and are considering what support we could provide. However, we must set a balanced budget, each year by law, which means the amount we plan to spend cannot be more than the income we expect to receive.

The proposed changes to the scheme will affect only working-age residents. Pensioners are protected under separate legislation, and are not affected by our current scheme, or the proposed changes that are the subject of this consultation. 

Any changes would take effect from 1 April 2025 and have been developed to deliver a fair, affordable scheme that can keep pace with the roll out of Universal Credit. 

We are looking at options to increase the maximum amount a working age resident can receive while seeking work or looking to increase their hours or weekly pay. Although, some people will get more Council Tax Support, others could get less than they would have done before. At the end of this consultation, we will consider the overall cost to the council.

The council is required to consult on its proposals. If the scheme proposals are agreed, the council is required to have the new scheme in place by 11 March 2025 to start on 1 April 2025. The responses to this consultation will be taken into account when formulating the scheme to be in place from 1 April 2025.

The current scheme costs around £4.2m. 

Financial Year CTS Expenditure Pensioner
Working Age
2020-21 £4,017,345* 1,471 1,799
2021-22 £4,060,775* 1,470 1,721
2022-23 £4,088,786* 1,437 1,631
2023-24 £4,107,197* 1,379 1,559
2024-25 £4,276,356* 1,307 1,660

* Costs at start of each financial year

We currently have five groups, Pensioners, Working Age Vulnerable on Universal Credit, Working Age Other on Universal Credit, Working Age Vulnerable (yet to claim Universal Credit) and Working Age Other (yet to claim Universal Credit).

Working Age Vulnerable are those entitled to a severe or enhanced Disability premium or a child disability premium.

Council Tax Support scheme options

We have three options to consider for a Council Tax Support scheme to take effect from 1 April 2025. 

Unless indicated, the costs referred to in this and associated documents and are based on the caseload as at June 2024 and the Council Tax Bands for 2024/25.  

Consultation Timeline

Consultation opens on 16 July 2024 and closes on 15 September 2024

Outline drawings of people

Drop in Sessions at Civic Centre

29 July 2024 - 12:30 to 15:30 and 2 September 2024 - 10:00 to 13:00

Citizens panel