Council Tax annual bill information

Important information about your annual bill for 2025/26

You can view the charges for each valuation band online which were formally approved on 13 February 2025. 

For more information please visit our Council Tax bands and charges page.

A property is deemed to be long-term empty after a period of 1 year from the date the property became unoccupied and unfurnished. Previously, an additional premium of 50% was added to the charge for the property at this point. From 1 April 2025 this premium will increase to 100% and will increase further, should the property remain empty for longer periods as follows:

  • 100% for 1 year and over, up to 5 years
  • 200% for 5 years and over, up to 10 years
  • 300% for 10 years and over

The government has introduced exceptions to these premiums in certain circumstances.

For more information please visit our Empty properties page.

If you have received your annual bill and wish to make a payment you can do so online. Your chosen method of payment is shown on your bill but you may wish to change this. Setting up a Direct Debit is the safest and most convenient way to pay but there are other options depending on your circumstances.

Please note that if you have previously chosen to pay your Council Tax by Direct Debit you do not need to set up another.

For more information please visit our Pay your Council Tax page.

By adding the Council Tax service to your Runnymede OneAccount you can see the details of your account online.

For more information and a video guide on how to do this please visit our Manage your Council Tax online page.

The formula for calculating the percentage increase is set by government and the precepts are rounded to one decimal place on the Council Tax bill.

For more information including the calculations, please visit our Explaining the percentage increase page.

Council Tax guide

You can find the Council Tax guide which relates to your annual bill for 2025/26 online.

Your Council Tax bill

Watch our video to get a better understanding about your Council Tax bill.

Get in touch about Council Tax

The quickest way to contact us is by using our online forms which are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you need to speak to us give us a call during office hours and talk to our Customer Services team who will be happy to help.