Mayor of Runnymede

Mayor's charity

As Mayor, Cllr Elaine Gill is really looking forward to attending as many events as possible to meet the residents of Runnymede and delighted to announce that she will be supporting the following charities: Egham Band

Egham Band Youth Brass Project

The Egham Band has a history dating back to 1895 and still plays an active role in the community today, regularly leading local parades, putting on concerts, and performing at civic events.
In 2016, the band launched a project to start teaching music to entire year groups via brass instruments, at no cost to the schools involved.
The project has now grown to include 150+ children from age nine, across three primary schools, after school groups, and two youth bands. Dementia Carers Support

Runnymede Dementia Carers Support

This charity provides support for carers looking after a loved one who has Dementia in
Runnymede and surrounding areas.
They provide a social life and advice on coping with the terrible terminal illness of Dementia, and the group believes it is unique. The club gives the opportunity to meet others in a similar situation as themselves, safe in the comfort and knowledge that their loved ones are being supported at the same time by our volunteers. Social events such as breakfast and lunch every other month and events and activities’ throughout the year take place. It is a totally free of charge charity.

Supporting the Environment and Biodiversity

Cllr Gill hopes to fundraise for environmental projects in areas across Runnymede. As a result of this fundraising, organisations or individuals
would potentially be able to apply a grant of up to £250 to enhance areas and give civic pride to the place in which we all live.

It is likely that the scheme will be open to local organisations and individuals.

Typical projects might include planters, bird and bat boxes, bug hotels, bulb planting, food or fruit growing or creation of a local community group: anything that supports biodiversity and promotes wellbeing and civic pride.

Charity Gala Evening

The Mayor Of Runnymede, Cllr Elaine Gill and Consort Harry Gill look forward to hosting Charity Gala evening in support of the Mayor’s Charities at Foxhills Country Club on Saturday 3 May 2025.

Charity Gala Evening
Gala evening advert

Charity Italian Night - Sold Out

The Mayor and Consort of Runnymede, Cllr Elaine Gill & Harry Gill invite you to join them for an Italian Evening at Pianillo’s in Chertsey on 31 March 2025.

Italian evening