Design code - FAQs

The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) expects local planning authorities to develop local design codes or guides which set out clear design parameters to help local authorities and communities decide what good quality design looks like in their area. The design code aims to provide greater certainty for communities, raise design standards for new development and support the local authority in determining planning applications.

The design code will cover a range of topics from large scale issues (for example, connectivity of new development, orientation, scale and massing), through to small scale issues (for example built form, public spaces, landscape and the finer details of new homes and buildings).

There will be several public engagement opportunities both in-person and online. The first opportunity will launch in October 2024 looking for local knowledge of what makes each of the towns and villages of Runnymede unique - is it the buildings, immediate or surrounding landscape or something more intangible such as the people and the sense community? Subsequent phases of engagement will continue into Autumn/Winter later this year, and will look at Area Types (zones) and the design vision for each, and at the emerging design code with opportunities for feedback. 

The best way to get involved is to join our new ‘Community Design Panel’ - for further details, see the ‘How to get involved’ section of this website.

The design code is currently scheduled to be completed in late 2025. If you wish to be kept informed when the draft design code is available for consultation or the final design code is launched, please subscribe to the Runnymede Borough Council Planning Policy and Strategy Consultation Database. 

The design code will be an area-wide design code, covering the entire borough of Runnymede and its ten settlement areas.