Ordinary watercourses

An ‘ordinary watercourse’ is a channel of flowing water that is not linked to a main river network. These include small rivers, streams, land and roadside ditches, drains and culverts, cuts, dikes, sluices, sewers other than public sewers within the meaning of the Water Industry Act 1991 and passages, through which water flows.

Private landowners with ordinary watercourses flowing through their land are traditionally called ‘riparian owners’, who are responsible for maintaining and dealing with any problems caused by the water flowing through their land.

If an ordinary watercourse flows through land owned by Runnymede Borough Council we will carry out the necessary works to fix any blockages or flooding risk issues.

(We own public recreation grounds, open spaces and parks and car parks.)

Works affecting ordinary watercourses

Riparian owners must apply to and obtain written consent from Surrey County Council if they wish to place or build anything, such as dams, weirs, mills, channel diversions, culverting or piping, which may affect the flow of their watercourse. 

Apply for ordinary watercourse works consent

Additional consent check

Any works that affect the flow of an ordinary watercourse may also need consent from Surrey County Council. Check additional consent on Surrey County Council website. 

Our enforcement responsibilities

We have the power under the Land Drainage Act 1991 to carry out work to prevent flooding and recharge the cost to the private riparian owner. 

We can

  • inspect riparian owned ordinary watercourses
  • contact riparian owners to request repair and maintenance work and check it is completed
  • check that consent for work has been granted and it has been correctly completed.
  • PDF icon Land drainage byelaws
  • PDF icon Land drainage byelaws guidance