Apply for Social Housing

How to join the housing register

We are temporarily re-opening the RBC Living & Homes website for new housing register applications.

New applications can now be made online for a temporary period until our new Housing Online becomes live. We had planned for the new Housing Online platform to be available, but this has unfortunately been delayed to ensure that the new system best serves your needs and requirements. We apologise for this.

Please note that even if you use the link above to make a housing register application, you will need to re-apply to the register when the new system is up and running.

We will provide information about how to access Housing Online once it is available. We thank you for your patience.

To be considered for social housing you need to be considered 'eligible' to apply.

To qualify to join the register

Not everyone can join the housing register. A person subject to immigration control or a person from abroad may not be eligible according to regulations and therefore unable to join the housing register. To qualify you will need to demonstrate a ‘local connection’ to the borough

  • You or a permanent member of your household live in Runnymede and have done so for the past three consecutive years


  • you or a permanent member of your household are currently employed within Runnymede and have been for the past twelve consecutive months


  • you or a permanent member of your household have been in continuous self-employment for the past twelve consecutive months, where the work is within Runnymede 


  • you or a permanent member of your household have a unique/exceptional health or welfare reason to live in Runnymede and has an immediate relative living in Runnymede. The relative has lived in Runnymede for the past ten consecutive years. This is based on a specific health service which only exists in Runnymede and cannot be accessed elsewhere. (Documentary evidence from the health professionals currently supporting you will need to be provided. It must evidence the need for you to specifically reside in Runnymede. Family support will not usually be considered as an exceptional reason to live in the borough). 

Our Housing Register IT system is changing, which means that the RBC Living & Homes website will no longer be used. This is the platform used to apply to the register, view property adverts and place bids under our Choice Based Lettings Scheme. We are moving to a system that the rest of the housing department use which will create a more streamlined service.

There is a shortage of social housing, so it is only possible to house those considered most in housing need. This is determined by the Council Allocation Scheme. An offer of housing could be either council owned accommodation or accommodation provided by a Housing Association or Registered Provider.

Get in touch about housing allocations

The quickest way to contact us is by using our online forms which are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you need to speak to us give us a call during office hours and talk to our Customer Services team who will be happy to help.