Housing allocations scheme consultation

Consultation on proposed changes to Runnymede Borough Council’s housing allocations scheme.

We are currently reviewing our Housing Allocations Scheme. We welcome your thoughts and feedback on the proposed changes, which are detailed below.

We are required by law to publish an Allocation Scheme for determining priorities and defining the procedures to be followed in allocating the limited social housing stock.The Council may allocate housing in such a manner as it considers appropriate, taking into account local needs and circumstances. We allocate properties in a way that is compliant with our legislative obligations. Social housing is limited and therefore it is imperative that we allocate such housing to those most in need. Our Allocations Scheme was published in 2021 and we have reviewed it in the context of the latest legislation, policy and prevailing socio-economic conditions.  

The proposed changes to the Allocations Scheme aim to ensure that households with a defined connection to Runnymede with a housing need are assessed and prioritised within the appropriate priority band category and banding.  This will enable them to bid for available social housing properties and ensure those with the greatest need have a chance of being considered for social housing. The proposed scheme will ensure that the way Runnymede Council allocates social housing is fair and lawful.

Who's listening - Housing solutions

Housing solutions team

Supporting documents - Housing allocation