Housing Benefit and/or Council Tax Support appointments

Frequently asked questions

We are encouraging anyone who needs to speak to an advisor face to face to book an appointment so we can assist you with completing a new claim or applying for Discretionary Housing Payment or Household Support Fund.

If you have been asked to provide evidence in support of your claim or a change in your circumstances, you don’t need to visit the Council Offices. The quickest and securest method is to upload images using our  online evidence upload service .

If you do choose to come to the Council Offices we can provide a scanner for you to scan in your documents.  

The quickest way to book your appointment is online. If you do so you will receive a confirmation email with links to enable you to manage your appointment. 

If you are unable to book your appointment online, you can call the benefit team on 01932 838383 who will be able to help. 

We encourage all to pre-book an appointment to ensure you are seen when you visit us. By booking an appointment you are guaranteed to be seen the same day you visit.  

If you visit the Civic Centre without an appointment it is likely we will not be able to see you straight away as we will be in appointments. By booking an appointment you get a guaranteed date and time with an advisor. 

If you book your appointment online you can move or cancel your booking using the link in your booking confirmation email. 

If you called us to book an appointment you will need to phone 01932 838383 who will be able to assist. 

Supporting documentation  for a New Claim

  • Proof of identity and National Insurance Number
  • 2 months bank statements
  • 2 months or 5 consecutive weeks wage slips
  • Proof of child maintenance or child care payments
  • Tenancy agreement

 Supporting documentation  for a Discretionary Housing Payment

  • National Insurance Number
  • 3 consecutive months bank statements
  • Universal Credit breakdown 
  • Bank information for payment
  • Rent statement
  • How much you pay out on bills and daily living expenses 

Yes, you can bring someone with you to help, please be mindful the meeting rooms have space for only two visitors and an advisor. We do have a large reception area with seating where others can sit whilst in your appointment. 


Get in touch about benefits

The quickest way to contact us is by using our online forms which are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you need to speak to us give us a call during office hours and talk to our benefits team who will be happy to help.