This policy applies to garages owned and managed by Runnymede Borough Council.
The policy aims to
- Ensure garages are allocated fairly and efficiently to maximise rental income
- Ensure applications are dealt with fairly
- Operate a garage lettings system that is easy to understand and transparent
How will the garages be allocated?
Council garages will be allocated in the following property order
- Priority 1- Council tenants in the properties for which the garages were initially built with a disability or age requiring a garage in close proximity
- Priority 2- Council tenants in the properties for which the garages were initially built
- Priority 3- Non-Council Tenants within the local area
- Priority 4- Other applicants
What are the conditions of renting a garage?
When someone rents a garage from us the following conditions apply
- Garages are let in accordance with the Council’s garage condition of tenancy
- A garage must only be used for the garaging of a taxed, insured and roadworthy domestic vehicle
- Garages are not suitable for storage of any other items and must not be used for any criminal or illegal purpose
- Garages should not be Let for the purpose of a business that will interfere with local residents
- No vehicle repairs or antisocial activities may be carried out within the garage area
- Garages cannot be sub-let
- The Council will not be held liable in respect of loss of or damage to any property brought onto any garage premise
Paying rent
A garage will be let on a weekly license and the rent is payable in advance.
If an applicant has an outstanding debt to the Council their application will be deferred and no offers will be made until they have cleared the whole outstanding debt. This includes debts which have been passed to a collection agency due to non-payment.
If rent is not paid the garage will be repossessed and a charge will be made for the lock change and clearance of any items.
Ending a garage tenancy
Should you decide to end your garage tenancy, we would require
- One week’s notice
- That the garage must be returned clean and tidy, failure to clear the property of personal belongings or rubbish may result in a charge to the Licensee
- In the event of the Licensee’s death, their next of kin (if known) will be given a reasonable period of time to return the keys. The weekly Licence Fee will still be payable until the keys are returned
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