Housing policies

Below you will find list of policies that the Council uses that guide how we work and the services we provide.

PDF CCTV policy

  • This policy applies to all Council tenants and sets how RBC deals with CCTV on its housing estates.

PDFCommunal lounge policy

  • Using the communal lounges in our Independent Retirement Living schemes.

PDF Compensation policy

  • How we will compensate customers who have experienced loss, damage or inconvenience. 

PDF Complaints policy

  • How we handle complaints, including timescales.

PDF Home Improvement Agency Assistance policy

  • When we can make changes to tenant's homes to support their physical needs

PDF Mobility Scooter policy

  • How we give permission to tenants and how they must store and safely maintain their mobility scooter.

PDF Pet policy

  • When we will allow pets and what we expect of tenants who are pet owners,

PDF Recharge policy

  • When we will recharge for costs that are the tenant's responsibility.

PDF Repairs policy

  • What the Council will repair, and what the tenant is responsible for

PDF Quality policy

  • Our commitment to demonstrating that we are customer focussed and continually trying to improve our services

PDF Support with moving policy

  • Moving can be daunting, which is why we’re introducing a policy that provides help to those wishing to move to a smaller home.

PDF Damp and mould policy

  • This policy sets out specific guidance to ensure that the Damp & Mould present in RBC properties is managed effectively.