Data classification at the council

If you’ve received an email from the Council, it will include a blue bar at the top which will read either ‘Official’ or ‘Official-Sensitive’.

This is a result of the council implementing a data classification framework. Data classification is an element of data management in which data is categorised based on various characteristics to reinforce data security, aid regulatory compliance, and enable efficient data management.

We have two classifications for data:

1. Official Documents, emails and information assets falling into this category can be shared widely to meet a business need. There would be very little harm if the information was inappropriately disclosed or made public.


2. Official-Sensitive Documents, emails and information assets falling into this category contain sensitive information that is for a specific audience and should not be shared widely. Access should be limited to authorised personnel.Official sensitiveAll data created by the council will automatically be classified as OFFICIAL at a minimum unless otherwise stated.

We also utilise sub-categories within Official-Sensitive to indicate why the information is sensitive such as:

  • Personal
  • Commercial
  • Legal or Legal Professional Privilege
  • HR/Management​​​​​​