Publication scheme
Our 'freedom of information publication scheme' describes the type of documents we publish, acting as a guide to the 'classes of information' available.
The information mentioned is available either
- on this website to browse for free
- in leaflet form available via our customer centre
- on paper at public offices and can be inspected in person by appointment (charges may apply)
This scheme is the Information Commissioner’s model scheme covering
- who we are and what we do
- what we spend and how we spend it
- our priorities and performance
- how we make decisions
- our policies and procedures
- lists and registers
- the services we offer
It does not include
- information where the disclosure is prevented by law, or exempt under the Freedom of Information Act, or is otherwise properly considered to be protected from disclosure
- information in draft form
- information that is no longer readily available as it is contained in files that have been placed in archive storage, or is difficult to access for similar reasons
Get information in other languages and formats
We will provide information in the language that it's held, or legally required. We can also make information available in other languages.
We will adhere to our obligations under disability and discrimination legislation to provide information in other forms and formats, when we provide information in accordance with this scheme.
Charges for information
The purpose of this scheme is to make information readily available at minimum inconvenience and cost to the public. Any charges for information published under this scheme are specified by Parliament and will be justified, transparent and kept to a minimum.
Charges may relate to costs we've incurred while providing information, such as
- photocopying
- postage and packing
- the cost of viewing information
Charges may also be made if they are legally authorised and justified in 'the general principles of the right of access to information held by public authorities'.
We will tell you about any costs before information is provided. Payment may be requested before any information is given.
Freedom of information requests
Make a Freedom of Information request if the information you need is not already published under this scheme, in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act.
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