Hourly pay gap
In this council, women earn £1 for every £1 that men earn when comparing median hourly pay. Their median hourly pay is 0% lower than men’s.
When comparing mean (average) hourly pay, women’s mean hourly pay is 4.72% lower than men’s.
Percentage of women in each pay quarter
Upper hourly pay quarter (highest paid)
- women 47.32%
- men52.68%
Upper middle hourly pay quarter
- women 64.29%
- men 35.71%
Lower middle hourly pay quarter
- women 68.75%
- men31.25%
Lower hourly pay quarter (lowest paid)
- women 43.75%
- men 56.25%
Bonus pay
Runnymede Borough Council does not operate a bonus scheme, therefore there is no bonus pay data for the council to report on.
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