We are committed to providing residents with information that explains how the Council spends its money.
As a Council we must comply with The Local Government Transparency Code set out by the Government. It lists categories of information which allow scrutiny of spend and performance.
Payment to suppliers
Monthly data on individual items of spend over £500
Government purchasing card payments
Payments using government purchasing cards
Selling to the council
Information on contracts awarded by the council, forthcoming contract opportunities on e-Source portal, and orders to suppliers with a value that exceeds £5,000
Local authority land
Map of council public land and building assets. Information about council owned land and property
Local Authority Land (PDF)
Agenda - October 2023
Local Authority Land (Open data)
Agenda - October 2023 (Open data)
Prompt payment performance
Under the Government's Prompt Payment Policy, it is a requirement for public sector bodies including local authorities to publish annual payment performance data. This consists of: percentage of invoices paid within 30 days; the amount of interest paid to suppliers due to lay payment; and the amount of interest the local authority was liable to pay for example whether paid or not
Social housing asset data
The value of social housing stock that is held in the Council's housing revenue account
Social Housing Assets - April 2022
Social Housing Assets - April 2022(Open data)
Grants and funding
Details of grants and payments to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations
Council structure
Details of staff in the top three levels of Runnymede Borough Council
- Council structure (organisational chart)
Trade Union facility time
Representations and spending data for all local authorities are published via the gov.uk
Trade Union facility time (PDF)
Trade Union facility time (Open data)
Parking account
Income and expenditure from off street parking and how surpluses are spent 2021
Parking spaces
The number of marked out controlled off-street parking spaces
Senior officers salaries and responsibilities
Details of senior council staff whose earnings are over £50,000
Constitution sets out the way in which the council runs and the processes it uses
Pay statement
The ratio between the highest paid officer, the Chief Executive and the median earnings figure of the whole workforce
A snapshot of pay that shows the difference in earnings between women and men
Counter fraud investigation work is carried out by the Department for Work and Pensions on behalf of Runnymede Borough Council and Internal Audit are also involved in counter fraud work
Fraud report tables (PDF)
Fraud report tables (Open data)
Our performance
Performance management involves setting goals and targets against which we monitor the council's progress.
Performance management and annual reports
Waste contract
This service is delivered in-house by the council
Modern slavery and human trafficking statement
Modern Slavery Statement (PDF)
Modern Slavery Statement(Open data)
Council spending
Statement of Accounts - The annual statement shows how we have used public money. The information has been prepared in accordance with the Accounting Code of Practice.
Members allowances and declarations of interest
Access to information
Details of information published as the result of a Freedom of information (FOI) request and guidance on how to make a request for information.
The following data sets have been asked for under the freedom of information act and are freely available for re-use, and are available in open data formats.
Business rate data - business rates data reports providing information on empty properties, credit balances and liability
More information can be found through
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