Runnymede Borough Council has applied for a £1,229,997 grant which, if approved by government, will be put towards energy efficiency measures within its housing stock.
If successful, residents living in up to 255 properties could benefit from more energy efficient homes achieved through external wall insulation, cavity wall insulation and solar panels,
This will help the Council deliver and maintain comfortable, energy efficient homes and reduce emissions from our housing stock, contributing towards meeting our 2030 operational Net Zero target. It will also support residents to reduce their living costs by cutting their energy bills.
Paul Turrell, Chief Executive, said:
By applying for this grant, we are not only attempting to improve the quality of life for our residents and helping keep money in their pockets at a time when everyone is feeling the pinch, but we are also underlining our continued local leadership towards the overarching UK target of net zero by 2050
This grant application, and potential to bring in such a large sum of money for our residents has yet again shown that the role of Bid Writer is an essential position to have created, in line with our Organisational Development strategy.
Our Bid Writer and Grants Officer, Howard Collins, worked closely with colleagues from Housing to manage the application for this fund.
Howard said:
By raising the amount of external funding that the Council can draw in, we can provide a greater standard of service for our residents.
A grant of this size would have a substantial positive impact on the Council’s available funds and allo us to make a big difference to the lives of our residents.
This grant application has been submitted to the Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy’s Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund wave 2, and the Council awaits the result in early 2023.
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