Plans for a £215,000 youth development budget to support children and young people from across the borough was unanimously agreed by councillors at the Council’s June Community Services Committee.
The money will fund 12 projects in 2023/24 which will be delivered by the Council, or through partnerships with schools and other community organisations. The focus of the projects will be to:
- Improve access to services and facilities for children and young people through making them affordable or free for those who need such support.
- Support for families engaged in the Councils family support programme, to enable family led activity and opportunity for socialising outside the home as a family unit.
- Create a grant scheme to support the development of youth services provided by the voluntary and community sector, upon whom many children, young people and families rely.
- Support the development of sport and physical activity in the borough to improve levels of physical activity undertaken by children and young people in the borough.
- A contribution to the replacement of play spaces in the borough’s parks and open spaces.
By delivering these projects we will engage children and young people in their community, provide support for organisations delivering services to young people, and improve family focused recreational activities.
Cllr Chris Howorth, Chair of the Community Services Committee said:
We are committed to investing in the future of our young people and the approval of this budget will mean several initiatives, that are currently delivered elsewhere in Surrey, will now be provided in Runnymede.
The proposed projects are further examples of us delivering on our commitments in the Health and Wellbeing and Empowering our Communities Strategies. I look forward to seeing the difference they will make to our young people across the borough.
Further information and updates on these projects will be shared across our social media channels throughout the year.
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