Grants of up to £20,000 are now available to Chertsey businesses which want to smarten up their frontages.
Thanks to Government funding, Runnymede Borough Council has launched a grant scheme where businesses can apply for £5,000 to £20,000. The money can pay for everything from new shop fronts to repairs, restoration work and new signage intended to be more in keeping with the heritage of the area.
Premises owners and tenants will need to contribute 15 per cent of the total cost and the grant will not cover any professional fees or planning fees. It will only cover the fees towards the work to improve the frontage The grants will make a significance difference to the appearance of the town’s key shopping areas.
The grant scheme is focussed on small businesses and those with heritage shop fronts within the Chertsey Conservation Area. Businesses in Guildford Street will be prioritised, but the programme is also open to applications from businesses on Windsor Street and London Road.
Cllr Tom Gracey, Leader of the Council, said:
“Chertsey’s small businesses are run by dedicated owners and managers who are in town every day and are the backbone of our local business community.
“We will do all we can to make the trading environment attractive and successful for them by providing significant financial assistance to freshen up their frontages where they want it.
“In doing so, we will encourage more shoppers through their doors by creating an environment people enjoy spending time, by restoring and enhancing the local character of the town centre area.”
The Council has chosen to focus these grants on Chertsey’s main shopping area as a mark of its intent for the future improvement of the town, following successful regeneration schemes in Addlestone and Egham town centres.
The application process opened on 1 April.
► Businesses can find out more by contacting the Council.
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