Barking dogs
If you are disturbed by a barking dog you should try to discuss your concerns with your neighbour in the first instance. They may not realise their dog is disturbing you.
If you feel unable to approach them directly try writing a polite letter (remember to keep a copy).
If relations between you and your neighbour have deteriorated and the dog barking is just an additional problem you may decide the best approach is to consider mediation.
Making a complaint to us
We will need you to provide the following and the diary sheets may help you to record this information
Noise recording diary sheets
- details of where the noise is coming from, the house number/name and street name
- what time the noise happens, for example early in the morning
- your name, address and contact telephone number
We will write to your neighbour and let them know we have had a complaint.
We can only take action where we are satisfied a statutory nuisance exists. As a general guide the noise should be ongoing and have a major impact on your life, not merely causing an annoyance.
If from your diary sheets it shows there may be a statutory nuisance then we will look at taking further action. This could be putting noise recording equipment in or an officer visiting to witness the noise and assess if the noise constitutes a nuisance.
If a nuisance is confirmed we will serve a Noise Abatement Notice preventing further noise nuisance. Failure to comply with a Noise Abatement Notice is a criminal offence.
We will not reveal the source of the complaint at the initial stage of the investigation but if the case ended up in court then your identity may be revealed.
What you can do if your dog barks a lot
- the more tired a dog is the less it will bark - organise regular exercise.
- do not let your dog bark or whine for long periods or leave it alone for long periods.
- try not to excite your dog too much when playing as this will lead to barking - try to keep it calm.
- do not leave your dog outside late at night or very early in the morning if it is prone to barking.
- consider seeking professional advice from a vet or pet behaviour specialist.
- see the barking dog advice from DEFRA.
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