CD11 - Evidence based documents and other material considerations

Excel icon 11.01 Runnymede Brownfield Land Register (2022)

Icon for web link 11.01 Runnymede Brownfield Land Register (2022)

PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 11.02 Runnymede Employment Land Review (2016)

Icon for web link 11.2 Runnymede Employment Land Review (2016)

PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 11.03 Runnymede Annual Monitoring Report (2021-22)

PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 11.04 Runnymede Infrastructure Delivery Plan Schedules (2018)

PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 11.05 Runnymede Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (2018)

PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 11.06 Runnymede Infrastructure Delivery Plan (2017)

PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 11.07 Runnymede Local Plan Habitats Regulations Assessment (2018)

PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 11.08 Infrastructure Needs Assessment (2017)

PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 11.09 Runnymede Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan Committee Report

PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 11.10 Surrey Landscape Character Assessment (2015)

PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 11.11 ProPG: Planning & Noise Supplementary Document 2: Good Acoustic Design (2017)

PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 11.12 CABE Guide - Design & Access Statements: How to Write, Read and Use Them (2006)

PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 11.13 World Health Organisation (WHO) Guidelines for Community Noise (1999)

PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 11.14 British Standards 4142 Methods for rating and assessing industrial and commercial sound

PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 11.15 Noise Policy Statement for England (NPSE)

Icon for web link 11.15 Noise Policy Statement for England (NPSE)

Excel icon  11.16 Active Travel: Local Authority Tool Kit (2023)

Icon for web link 11.16 Active Travel: Local Authority Tool Kit (2023)

PDF icon to indicate a PDF file  11.17 Active Travel: Local Authority Tool Kit: Checklist User Manual (2023)

Icon for web link 11.17 Active Travel: Local Authority Tool Kit: Checklist User Manual (2023)

PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 11.18 Active Travel England: sustainable development advice notes (2023)

Icon for web link 11.18 Active Travel England: sustainable development advice notes (2023)

PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 11.19 Department For Transport: Gear Change: A Bold Vision for Cycling and Walking 2020

Icon for web link 11.19 Department For Transport: Gear Change: A Bold Vision for Cycling and Walking 2020

Icon for web link 11.20 Surrey Transport Plan: Active Travel and Personal Mobility Policy (2022–2032)

Icon for web link 11.21 Surrey County Council Vehicle, Cycle and Electric Vehicle Parking Guidance for New Development (2023)

PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 11.22 Runnymede Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan 

Icon for web link 11.23 Elmbridge Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP)

PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 11.24 Wey Navigation Conservation Area Appraisal

Icon for web link 11.24 Wey Navigation Conservation Area Appraisal

PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 11.25 Runnymede Strategic Housing Market Assessment January 2018 (GL Hearn) ownscape Character Assessment Technical Information Note (TIN 05/17, 2018)

PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 11.26 Townscape Character Assessment Technical Information Note (TIN 05/17, 2018)

Icon for web link 11.26 Townscape Character Assessment Technical Information Note (TIN 05/17, 2018)

PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 11.27 Visual Representation fo Development Proposals Technical Guidance Note (TGN 06/19, 2019

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