CD2 - Supporting documents considered at decision making stage

PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.01 Planning Application Forms and Certificates, October 2022 (Savills)
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.02 CIL Form 1, October 2022 
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.03 Planning Statement, May 2022 (Savills)
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.04 Planning Statement Addendum, October 2022 (Savills)
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.05 Cover Letter.Follow on Statement, January 2023 (Savills)
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.06 Cover Letter.Follow on Statement, February 2023 (Savills)
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.07 Economic Benefits & Social Value Assessment, June 2022 (Savills)
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.08 Design and Access Statement Addendum, October 2022 (UMC Architects)
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.09A 8404 Weybridge TVIA Part 1 of 7
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.9B 8404 Weybridge TVIA Part 2 of 7
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.9C 8404 Weybridge TVIA Part 3 of 7
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.9D 8404 Weybridge TVIA Part 4 of 7
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.9E 8404 Weybridge TVIA Part 5 of 7
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.9 F8404 Weybridge TVIA Part 6 of 7
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.9G 8404 Weybridge TVIA Part 7 of 7
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 10A 8404 RP 002 Landscape Strategy Section 1 October 2022
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 10B 8404 RP 002 Landscape Strategy Section 2 October 2022
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 10C 8404 RP 002 Landscape Strategy Section 3 October 2022
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 10D 8404 RP 002 Landscape Strategy Section 4 October 2022
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 10E 8404 RP 002 Landscape Strategy Section 5 October 2022
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 10F 8404 RP 002 Landscape Strategy Section 6 October 2022
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 10G 8404 RP 002 Landscape Strategy Section 7 October 2022
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 10H 8404 RP 002 Landscape Strategy Section 8 October 2022
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 10I 8404 RP 002 Landscape Strategy Section 9 October 2022
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 10J 8404 RP 002 Landscape Strategy Section 10 October 2022
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.11A 8404_100 P6 - GA Plan Landscape
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.11B 8404_101 P5 – GA Plan Hardworks Proposals
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.11C 8404_104 P6 – Typical Cross Sections
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.11D 8404_105 P6 – Typical Cross Sections
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.11E 8404_110 P5 – Illustrated Landscape Masterplan
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.11F 8404_200 P5 – GA Plan Softworks Proposals Planting Planting Plan
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.11G 8404_201 P3 – GA Plan Softworks Proposals Planting Plan Matrix Planting
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.12A Visual 1 (February 2023)
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.12B Visual 2 (February 2023)
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.12C Visual 3 (February 2023)
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.12D Visual 4 (February 2023)
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.13 Historic Environment Desk-Based Assessment (inc. Heritage and Archaeology), April 2022 (Savills)
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.14 Heritage And Archaeology Statement Addendum October 2022 (Savills)
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.15A Transport Assessment Note (TN001 v1.0), March 2022 (Mode)
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.15B Transport Assessment, May 2022 (Mode)
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.16 Transport Assessment Addendum, October 2022 (Mode)
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.17A Response to Residents’ Transport Objection, (TN004 v1.1), January 2023 (Mode)
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.17B Response to Residents’ Transport Objection, (TN003 v1.2), June 2023 (Mode)
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.18 Further Clarifications for SCC Highways, (TN005), January 2023 Mode)
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.19 Further Clarifications for National Highways, July 2022 (Mode)
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.20 Outline Construction Logistics Plan, May 2022 (Mode)
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.21 Delivery & Servicing Plan, October 2022 (Mode)
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.22 Framework Construction Environment Management Plan, October 2022 (AAC)
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.23 Framework Travel Plan, April 2022 (Mode)
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.24 Noise Impact Assessment Addendum, October 2022 (AAC)
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.25 Noise Technical note, January 2023 (AAC)
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.26 Air Quality Assessment Addendum, October 2022 (AAC)
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.27 Energy and Sustainability Statement, October 2022 (SWH/MBA) 
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.28 Arboricultural Impact Assessment including Tree Survey & Protection Plan, October 2022 (Ligna Consultancy)
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.29 Arboricultural Method Statement & Protection Plan, October 2022 (Ligna Consultancy)
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.30 Preliminary Ecological Appraisal, October 2022 (MKA Ecology)
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.31 Biodiversity Net Gain Plan, January 2022 (MKA Ecology)
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.32 Response to Surrey Wildlife Trust’s Ecology Planning Advice Service, January 2023 (MKA Ecology)
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.33 The Biodiversity Metric 3.0, January 2022
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.34 External Lighting Assessment, January 2023 (MBA)
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.35 Daylight & Sunlight  Assessment, October 2022 (Hollis) 
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.36 Daylight & Sunlight  Further Clarifications, February 2023 
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.37A Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy - Part 1 of 4
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.37B Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy - Part 2 of 4
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.37C Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy - Part 3 of 4
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.37D Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy - Part 4 of 4
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.38 Flood Risk Assessment and SuDS Strategy Addendum, October 2022 (HDR)
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.39 Surface Water Drainage Summary Proforma, October 2022 (HDR)
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.40 Green and Blue Infrastructure Checklist, May 2022 (Savills)
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.41A Topographical Survey 1 of 3
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.41B Topographical Survey 2 of 3
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.41C Topographical Survey 3 of 3
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.42A Geo Environmental 1 of 5
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.42B Geo Environmental 2 of 5
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.42C Geo Environmental 3 of 5
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.42D Geo Environmental 4 of 5
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.42E Geo Environmental 5 of 5
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.43 Statement of Community Involvement, April 2022 (Connect)
PDF icon to indicate a PDF file 2.44 Market Assessment, April 2022 (Bridge UK Properties 7 LP)

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