Viewing the Council’s S106 agreements
The Council has S106 agreements back to 1947 and as such we are currently working on a long-term project to get historical S106’s into the Exacom system and into the public domain (working from 2022 back to 1947).
Any S106 agreements completed in 2023 and beyond will be uploaded and logged onto the Exacom system as soon as possible, after grant of planning consent(s). Any data (financial or otherwise) for these agreements will be updated and as when it happens. Check how to view S106 agreements for further information.
The Council’s main aim currently, regarding S106 agreements, has been to make the S106 agreements for the last 5 years available to view however, currently it has not been possible to also work through these agreements and publish the financial details, however the S106 agreements are online to view/download. Any new S106 agreements will be uploaded as soon as possible after engrossment. If you wish to check the compliance of a S106 agreement, check how to view S106 agreements. And please note that if the information is available on the website, e.g. A Discharge/Compliance check any enquiries will be direct to view/download the information themselves.
If the Legal Agreement require is available online then anyone enquiring will be directed to download direct from the Public Facing S106 Module.
Please also note that searches should be undertaken on the first planning application on a site which had a legal agreement, as any Deeds of Variation or Supplementary agreements will be shown/updated on that, if the Principal agreement is amended/varied.
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