Locally listed buildings
Locally Listed Buildings includes buildings and structures in addition to those on Historic England's national list. The Local List includes these heritage assets that are considered to be locally important. Whilst these assets are not statutorily designated and do not provide additional planning controls, they can be a material consideration when determining planning applications.
Purcell were appointed by the Council to update the Local List. A consultation on the Local List took place from 13 May until 24 June 2019.
The Local List was adopted by Runnymede Planning Committee on Wednesday 11 September 2019. A low resolution copy of the updated list can be found below:
If you require a high resolution copy of the Local List, please contact: planningpolicy@runnymede.gov.uk
The Council is currently updating its records and maps to include the approved updated Local List.
Potential Locally Listed Building Designations: Englefield Green
The Council locally lists buildings and structures, in line with Policy EE8 (Locally Listed and other Non-Designated Heritage Assets) of the adopted Runnymede 2030 Local Plan, to ensure that the historic and architectural interest of buildings and structures that aren’t statutorily listed but are nonetheless considered to be of ‘local importance’, are recognised in the planning process.
Local listing is a way of ensuring that owners and decision makers are aware that the building(s) is considered to make a positive contribution to its local character and sense of place because of its heritage value. Whilst local listing provides no additional planning controls, the fact that a building or structure is on a local list means that its conservation as a heritage asset can be a material consideration when determining planning applications i.e., one which is relevant to making the planning decision in question.
Englefield Neighbourhood Forum produced a Non-Designated Heritage Asset list to support policy HE2 of the Englefield Green Village Neighbourhood Plan. Runnymede Borough Council and Surrey County Council objected to this list as it was considered that a significant number of the assets proposed for designation lacked the special architectural, historic or local significance that merits and justifies such a designation.
As part of the Examination of the Englefield Green Village Neighbourhood Plan, the Examiner invited the Forum to review the content of the Non-Designated Heritage Asset list and to prepare a note identifying the eligibility of each of the assets against a set list of criteria. This review resulted in the Forum submitting a revised list of Non-Designated Heritage Assets in June 2023 which removed 71 assets from this original list.
RBC wrote to the Examiner in July 2023 to ask for an opportunity for officers to review this updated NDHA list. This was agreed and, as a result, officers met with the Forum in July 2023, to discuss the issue. At the meeting, it was agreed that an independent review of the list of NDHAs would be undertaken at the Council’s expense and that the wording of Policy HE2 of the adopted Neighbourhood Plan would also be amended to reflect this change. The review of the NDHA list took place separately from the Neighbourhood Plan process so that it wouldn’t result in delays to the adoption of the Neighbourhood Plan.
The Council undertook an initial desk-top review of the proposed list of Non-Designated Heritage Assets, and then asked the Council’s heritage consultants (Essex County Council’s Place Services) to do a more in-depth review, including site visits where required, of this initially reduced list of potential heritage assets. In September 2024 Essex Place Services provided the Council with their findings. Their report proposes listing 80 heritage assets as Non-Designated Heritage Assets.
The Council is seeking the views of the public on this proposed list of additional Non-Designated Heritage Assets. There is also a second list of potential assets that were assessed but were deemed to not be suitable for designation.
A hard copy of the assessment documents can be viewed at the Civic Centre in Addlestone upon request.
Consultation: seeking your views
The Council is seeking the views of local residents and other interested parties. If you have any comments on the inclusion of the proposed series of assets on the Locally Listed Buildings List, then you can respond to us via:
Email: planningpolicy@runnymede.gov.uk
Runnymede Borough Council Planning Policy Team
Civic Centre,
Station Road,
KT15 2AH
Questions you may wish to consider are:
- Do you agree that proposed list of assets are worthy of inclusion on this list? If not, please explain why you think that this asset shouldn’t be included on this list.
- Do you think the information provided is correct or does any of it need to be amended? Please outline what you consider these amendments should be.
- Is all the relevant information contained in the assessments, or is there more that needs to be added? Please provide further information relating to the proposed change (s).
Other general comments are also welcome.
Responses should be received by Friday 21 February 2025. If you have any queries in relation to this potential designation, please contact the Planning Policy Team via the email address shown above or by calling 01932 425 239.
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