Air quality

Runnymede air quality action plan 2024 - 2029 consultation

Runnymede Borough Council (RBC) would like to hear from anyone living, working, studying, and visiting the Runnymede Borough Council area on their views on our latest proposals within the 2024-2029 Draft air quality action plan.  

Your comments will help shape our Final 2024-2029 air quality action plan. This has been prepared by the Environmental Health Services team as part of our statutory duties under Part IV of the Environment Act 1995 and the local air quality management system. Please refer to our current AQAP and annual status reporting on our webpage.

What is the draft 2024-2029 air quality action plan (AQAP)?

Runnymede Borough Council has a duty to monitor and improve air quality.  Working with partners such as Surrey County Council and the Highways Authority, actions proposed are listed within our draft AQAP. Some of the challenges faced are difficult to address due to influences outside of RBC’s control such as traffic flow. It is good to know that RBC currently has air pollutant concentrations below current air quality objectives, however we will always aim to reduce emissions further.

PDF icon Air quality plan 2024 - 2029

Please send your views no later than 5 August 2024 4pm to

What happens next?

  • We began 6-week statutory consultation from 25 June 2024 to 5 August 2024
  • Feedback will be collated and considered and incorporated into the final version for Defra approval in September 2024
  • We will then seek cabinet approval of the final plan in October 2024