Open consultations
- Garage allocations policy
- Redesignation of the Englefield Green Village Neighbourhood Forum
- Runnymede Pitch and Plot Allocation Scheme for Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople Supplementary Planning Document Consultation
Closed consultations
- Building safety policy consultation
- Building safety resident engagement strategy consultation
- Statement of Licensing Policy Gambling Act 2005 Consultation
- Re-designation of the Virginia Water Neighbourhood Forum and Area
- Thorpe Conservation Area Review: informal views
- Resolution on Street Trading
- Charity collections consultation
- Climate Change survey: Young people (under 18s)
- Climate Change survey: Businesses and organisations
- Climate Change Survey: Residents (over 18s)
- Heathervale Park skate facilities
- Englefield Green Conservation Area: Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan
- Frequency of DVLA Group 2 medical assessments for hackney carriage and private hire drivers
- Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy consultation
- Housing allocations scheme consultation
- Runnymede 2040 Local Plan: Sustainability Appraisal draft Scoping Report
- Financial Wellbeing Strategy
- Pet policy consultation
- Taxi licensing policy consultation
- Tenant and Leaseholder Engagement Strategy
- Statement of Community Involvement (SCI)
- Green and blue infrastructure consultation - adopted 24 November 2021
- Mandatory disability awareness training for taxi drivers
- Public Space Protection Orders
- Englefield Green Village Neighbourhood Plan
- Public waste bin consultation
- Climate Change Action Plan consultation
- Strategic Land Availability Assessment (SLAA) Call for Sites and SLAA methodology consultation
Citizens Panel
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