Public waste bins

Public waste bin consultation

In 2016, the government adapted England’s waste policy to allow dog waste to be disposed of together with all other non-recyclable waste. This means that separate dog waste bins are no longer required, as dog waste can be bagged and disposed of in any general waste bins like all rubbish.

Therefore, many local authorities have chosen to start phasing out dog waste bins in public spaces and replace them with general waste bins. Doing so can help reduce the amount of litter in public spaces because there will be more available bins suitable for all types of rubbish. It can also help to streamline the council’s bin collection services by reducing the time it takes to collect and dispose of the public’s waste and saving council resources.

Runnymede Borough Council would like to hear our residents' thoughts and comments on how we take advantage of this new flexibility with respect to disposing of dog waste. Following this consultation we will be updating our litter bin policy. We welcome residents' views on our proposed new policy at question 6 and below

Proposed Runnymede Borough Council Bin Policy

  1. Litter bins will be located in Runnymede towns and open spaces to support our duty under the Environmental Act 1990 to keep our land clear of litter and refuse. 
  2. Bins will be replaced when broken beyond repair and where a continuing need for a bin is demonstrated. 
  3. The style and size of bins will be chosen to reflect the location with all new bins to be lidded where possible. 
  4. New bins will have signs to state that dog waste can be deposited. 
  5. New bins will be to a standard design where possible to ensure ease of opening and emptying. 
  6. High street bins will be emptied daily. In other locations bins will be emptied according to season, weather and local demand with the overarching aim to empty all bins before they overflow. 
  7. Overflowing or damaged bins can be reported via the website
  8. Subject to consultation, from May 2023 we will commence a program to remove all dog waste bins with signposting to explain that dog waste can be deposited into any litter bin. 
  9. Additional litter bins will be provided where capacity dictates. 
  10. The Depot can provide and collect refuse and recycling bins to support events held in our open spaces. These are subject to a fee as specified in our schedule of rates listed on the website.