Tenancy policy and strategy consultation feedback

Thank you to those that gave us their view on the tenancy strategy and policy consultation.

The draft Tenancy Strategy encourages social landlords in Runnymede to offer 5 and 10 year flexible tenancies, with 2 year tenancies only offered in exceptional circumstances. The Tenancy Policy proposed to make these changes for the Council's housing stock. 

Our main objective to consult was to inform and invite tenants, prospective tenants and Registered Providers (other social landlords in Runnymede) to comment on our draft tenancy policy and strategy.

How we consulted

  • Created an overview of the policy and strategy on the Runnymede Council website
  • Emailed housing applicants
  • An article was included on our online newsletter Tenants Online
  • Consulted with Shelter
  • Emailed Registered providers in Runnymede

Next steps

The two documents have now been approved by Housing Committee and are being followed by Runnymede Borough Council.

The tenancy policy and strategy can be accessed on our website so our tenants and housing applicants have a clear understanding on their flexible tenancies.