Tenant satisfaction measures (TSM)

How are we performing?

Between October 2023 and December 2023, 782 tenants took part in an important survey. 

The survey was carried out via telephone, online and postal questionnaires, by an independent market research company - Acuity Research and Practice. 

It focused on how happy you are with the way Runnymede Borough Council maintains your homes and delivers key services. 

The survey also collected the Tenant Satisfaction Measures as required by the Regulator of Social Housing

The findings show what tenants are most concerned about.  The results have been sent to the Regulator along with other performance results. 

Our results

67% of tenant were satisfied with the overall housing service we provide

Tenant perception:

  • 67% of tenants were satisfied with the repairs service (who have had a repair in the last 12 months)
  • 65% of tenants were satisfied with the time taken to complete their most recent repair
  • 65% of tenants were satisfied that homes are well maintained
  • 70% of tenant were satisfied that their home is safe
  • 29.7% of our properties do not meet the Decent Homes Standard
  • 70.3% of non-emergency repairs were completed in time
  • 85.6% of emergency repairs were completed in time
  • 50% of tenants were satisfied that communal area clean and well maintained (of those who have a communal area) 
  • 50% of tenants were satisfied with the positive contribution made by Runnymede Borough Council to neighbourhoods
  • 49% of tenants were satisfied with our antisocial behaviour handling
  • 100% of homes in buildings that have had all the necessary fire risk assessments
  • 99.9% of properties have a valid gas safety check
  • 100% of lift safety checks have been completed
  • 100% asbestos checks have been completed
  • 100% of homes that have had all the necessary legionella risk assessment
  • 80.3% Proportion of stage 1 complaints responded to within timescales
  • 87.5% Proportion of stage 2 complaints responded to within timescales
  • 22% of tenants were satisfied with our approach to complaints handling (who have complained in the last 12 months)
  • 65% of tenants were satisfied they are treated fairly and with respect
  • 61% of tenants were satisfied they are kept informed about things that matter to them
  • 47% of tenants were satisfied that we listen to their views and act upon them

The Social Housing Regulator will publish this information on every landlord, so you can compare how we are performing.

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