Free support to get the job you want

Person at a job interview

Having trouble finding the right job? Are you unsure what you want to do? Do you lack confidence? Do you need support with job applications and job interviews? There is free support that helps you find the right job for you.

  • The Elmbridge and Runnymede Youth Hub provides free employment support for 16 to 24 years old. The support includes help with CV writing, job search skills, access to apprenticeships and local employment opportunities. Find out more by emailing or phone the Youth Hub Coordinator, Ben Hyde-Wardle on 01932 797700.
  • The Restart Scheme provides tailored support to help you find work if you have been claiming Universal Credits for 12 to 18 months. The support helps you understand your skills, build your confidence, and develop the skills to find a job. Find out more at Fedcap Restart Scheme or phone 0800 917 9262.

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