Council Tax - Apply for disabled banding reduction

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If you wish to apply for Disabled Banding Reduction, please ensure you meet the criteria below before applying.

Your home has been adapted to meet the needs of a disabled person. This could include:

  • a physical disability
  • learning difficulties
  • mental health issues

Your home must also have at least one of these to qualify:

  • a room which is mainly used by you as a disabled person and is essential, or of major importance, to your welfare; or
  • an extra bathroom or extra kitchen which is necessary to meet your needs as a disabled person; or
  • enough floor space to use a wheelchair. You must need to use the wheelchair indoors.

To complete this form you will need:

  • your council tax account reference number
  • your contact details
  • a GP certificate or a letter from the disabled person’s doctor, social worker or occupational therapist to confirm that they need these special features of the property because of their disability

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