Youth development fund application

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All questions on the application form must be answered. 

A total of £35,000 has been allocated to the Youth Development Fund for 2024/25 to support the development of youth activities and services provided by the voluntary, community and faith sector, upon whom many children, young people and families rely.

The focus of this fund is to promote capacity building and the creation of new projects and initiatives to benefit children and young people in Runnymede.

Grants of up to £7,000 are available to voluntary, community and faith sector organisations, based in, or operating within, Runnymede borough, and delivering services directly to residents under 18.


You get 10 minutes to complete each page of the form so you might want to prepare your grant application in Word and then copy and paste it into the form.  If you have a ‘my account’ with us this time limit does not apply.


Organisations will be asked to detail how the funding will support the development of youth activities and services they provide. Funding may be used to increase capacity of existing projects and activities and for the creation of new projects and initiatives to benefit children and young people in Runnymede.

Applicants will need to detail how the Youth Development Fund will contribute to the health and wellbeing of our younger residents, with reference to the priorities listed in the corporate Health and Wellbeing strategy and Climate Change strategy.

Additional consideration will be given to projects that are based in or serve young people living in the following areas of the borough: Chertsey St Anns, Englefield Green West, Addlestone Bourneside, Addlestone North and Egham Hythe

We are supportive of project ideas that have come from young people themselves or applications where young people have been actively involved in the project planning process.


Applications are welcome from registered charities and constituted community, voluntary or faith sector organisations that provide support to Runnymede residents.

Applicants must agree to abide by the following Runnymede Borough Council policies as appropriate: 

  • Safeguarding for adults and children at risk
  • Equalities 
  • Financial Regulations and relevant legal requirements

If you require any of this information in an alternative format, then please contact us via email at or telephone 01932 838383.

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I have read and understood the privacy policy and grant guidelines Required Required