SLAA site nomination form

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This form will help to identify potential housing, economic and other development sites as intended by the Strategic Land Availability Assessment (SLAA). Suggested sites should be able to accommodate at least five or more net dwellings, one traveller pitch / plot or accommodation for older people or students (or 0.05 ha), or in the case of economic land, sites should be 0.25ha or greater in size or have capacity for 500sqm of floor space. 

To complete this form you will need

  • your contact details
  • site details
  • Upload a copy of the site plan (1:1250 or 1:2500 in scale), with the boundaries of the site clearly outlined  in one of the following formats: jpg, tiff, pdf, bmp or gif. The maximum size file you can upload is 10 MB.

A separate form should be filled in for each site and include a site plan clearly showing the boundaries of each site. 

For sites that have been submitted previously, please include the site ID (if known) and details of any changes since the 2021 SLAA was published. Please include a map of the site if not included in the 2021 SLAA, showing site boundaries (or if you are seeking an amendment to an existing site boundary).

Note that all information provided may be made public apart from private email addresses and telephone numbers.

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