Local Land Charges - apply & pay

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Use this form to apply & pay for Local Land Charges CON29 Search.

To complete this form you will need

  • your contact details
  • details of your question or enquiry
  • Choose the type of search you require
  • Choose whether to pay by debit or credit card
  • Provide details of the property or land you wish to search
  • Upload a plan of the search extent (clearly edged in red) in one of the following formats: jpg, tiff, pdf, bmp or gif. The maximum size file you can upload is 10 MB.

More information about how we process payments can be found on our payment help page.

The Council take your privacy seriously.

We hold and process all personal information in line with data protection legislation.

You can find out how we manage and process your data in our privacy policy

I have read the privacy policy Required Required

Terms and Conditions:

Please read and accept the terms and conditions below and then complete and submit the application form that follows.

Once your application has been processed you will receive an email confirming that your search application has been successful.

Should you require further assistance contact Local Land Charges by emailing land.charges@runnymede.gov.uk or calling 01932 838383

You will need to agree to the following terms and conditions to request the service:

  • When submitting a search please pay by debit or credit card
  • We reserve the right to refuse a search application deemed as unreasonable
  • Plans submitted should be adequate to identify the extent of the property or land being searched (clearly edged in red)
  • The information submitted by the customer is accurate and complete
  • The council will use any information provided by the customer for the sole purposes of Local Land Charges services in compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998

The customer may request the search application to be cancelled prior to acceptance by the council after which no cancellation will be accepted and the fee will be payable in full.

I accept the above terms and conditions Required Required

Please note :

  • your search results will be emailed to you
  • the maximum file upload size is 10MB (Types: BMP, GIF, JPG, PDF, PNG, DOC)