Holding events in our parks

Apply to hold an event in a park

Runnymede Pleasure grounds river and open green space

If you would like to hire one of our open spaces, please complete the online application form below. The application form does not give you permission to run an event. It helps us determine if we can give approval, the amount of public liability insurance you will need and the conditions of use we may attach.

Be aware that we need to ask you a lot of questions about your event in order to decide if we can permit the hire of the Council’s land. The larger your event and the more activities you are proposing, the longer this form will take to complete. 

If you would like to check if the proposed park is available on the day(s) of your event before completing the form email events@runnymede.gov.uk

Applications to hold events on Englefield Green village green

Please note that all events on Englefield Green village green MUST first be approved by the Englefield Green Committee.  Meetings take place four times a year to discuss grounds maintenance activities and events on the green. 

If you are applying to hold an event on Englefield Green village green, ensure that you submit your application at least 3 months before the date of the next committee meeting. The Committee dates, agendas and minutes can be found on this page.

Please note that if your application is received too late to be discussed at a committee meeting, it won’t be able to be considered until the next committee meeting, which may be after the date you had planned to hold the event on

Each  page of the online form will time out after 10 minutes. If you are planning a large event and would like the facility to be able to save the form and finish completing it later log into your OneAccount  If you do not have a OneAccount, you can register for a OneAccount online

Notes for completing the application form

Help with page 3 - What type of event is it?

Type of event Descriptions
Community event A community event is run by a community/voluntary group based in Runnymede Borough. The event must directly benefit Runnymede local community and does not knowingly exclude any persons; it must generate a positive impact upon the local community with support from local people.


A charitable organisation or registered charity may raise money or awareness of itself through an event. A charitable event can either be organised by a not-for-profit community group, advocate, or individual raising funds for a registered charity.
Other fund-raising event  
Fun fair Where the event is purely a fun fair, as opposed to an event which includes fun fair rides as part of the event.
Commercial event A commercial event is defined as a profit making, brand building, or promotional event. It can be a ticketed or a non-ticketed event and can last for more than one day. It may feature an individual or multiple commercial or corporate sponsor(s). 
Private or corporate event A private or corporate event is organised by an organisation or business for its employees or clients. It can be a private or a ticketed event with restricted access to the public. It may also be a promotional road show or media event that has a specific desire to promote brands and companies. This category also includes individuals organising a private event e.g. a wedding.

About the activities at your event (pages 4 to 6)

Provide as much detail as possible in this section of the form as the type of proposed activity may affect the amount of public liability insurance required. If you do not secure adequate insurance cover we may withdraw permission for you to hire the land and you will have to cancel the event. The more detailed and accurate information you provide, the more likely it is we can deal with your application quickly.

Additional information for some of the questions is below

Question number Description
5 If there will be a funfair/fairground rides, the organiser MUST check the Amusement Device Inspections Procedures Scheme (ADIPS) certification for each individual fun fair ride AND supply copies to the Council.
6 If there will be bouncy castles or other inflatable devices, the Hirer MUST check the PIPA/ADIPS certification for each individual inflatable.
12 Note that under the Animal Welfare Act 2006, it is an offence to give an animal as a prize to anyone under the age of 16, unless accompanied by an adult. No animal, fish, bird or other creature is to be given away as a prize at this event to any person, regardless of their age.
14 You will require a Temporary Event Notice (TEN) if your event includes selling or serving alcohol.

Where raffle tickets are being sold in advance, a lotteries licence may be required, however if tickets are just being sold on the day this is not usually necessary. 

The Gambling Commission website  How to run a lottery or fundraiser  contains useful information on all types of lotteries and will help you decide if you need a licence.  

If you think you do need a lottery licence please visit Gambling

16 See our website for more information about charity collections

Written permission must be obtained from the relevant department, the landowner or from Surrey County Council if banners, posters or Highway directional signs are to be placed on the Highway. 

The Council reserves the right to remove any unauthorised advertising and to recover the cost incurred from the event organisers. Failure to comply with these conditions could result in Runnymede Borough Council not granting permission for future events.

18 If you are planning to film this event, whether by drone or otherwise, you will need to apply for a separate filming licence.
21 Please note the Council's requirements for generators in the terms and conditions.

If you require a grass cut or other grounds maintenance work, please note charges will apply. If you wish the Council to provide these services, contact events@runnmyede.gov.uk at least 4 weeks in advance of the event.

After you have submitted your application

After the application has been submitted, no additional activities, stalls, entertainment etc may be included without the express consent of the appropriate department.

The Council will contact you to advise whether your application for hire has been approved and will raise an invoice for the hiring fee and deposit. Note that if you do not pay within 30 days of the date of the invoice event permission will be withdrawn and you will have to apply again.

Apply to hold an event on council land