Apply for a licence

Pre-application advice service

If you are applying for a Premises Licence, Club Premises Certificate or a full variation under the Licensing Act 2003. Runnymede Borough Council offer a pre-application service.

Previously many applications were rejected due to them being incomplete or incorrect causing delays and loss of income for business. A pre-application service has been introduced to ensure applications are completed fully and are correct.

The Licensing Act 2003 and subsequent regulations contain a number of specific requirements for new applications and variations. It is recommended that applicants read Licensing Act 2003 Section 182 Guidance (Opens in new tab)

Step one

Ensure that you are complying with the regulations PDF icon LA2003 - Plans and advert information (Opens in new tab) around the advertising of your application in a local newspaper and the placing of notices of the prescribed colour at the premises.

To assist you we have produced 2 templates, one for the newspaper advert and one for the notice to be displayed at the premises.

PDF icon Blue notice - New Premises Licence or Club Certificate (Opens in new tab)

PDF icon Blue notice - Variation to Premises licence or Club certificate public notice (Opens in new tab)

PDF icon Public notice newspapers (Opens in new tab)

Please note that your application will be delayed if this is not carried out in accordance with the regulations.

Step two

Read our Statement of Licensing Policy. This specifically mentions the steps you have to take in regards to the operating schedule and conditions.

PDF icon Statement of Licensing Policy 2021 to 2026

Step three

Please read the 'Premises licence guidance for protection of children from harm' provided by Surrey County Council (Opens in new tab) You should use this information to help you complete the operating schedule, this also applies to club certificates.

Step four

Complete your application form for a premises licence or club certificate carefully, incomplete or incorrectly completed forms will not be valid and will be returned to you. Please you use the guidance notes which are attached to the form to assist you, then answer all the sections and the declaration at the end of the form.

PDF icon Licensing Act 2003 Application forms

If you require a word version of a form please make a request to

Ensure you have shown how you are proposing to promote the licensing objectives at part 'M'- this is an important part of the form and if not completed adequately can increase the risk of an objection to your application.

Check your application once you have filled it in and make sure it has been fully completed.

Step five

As well as submitting the application to the Licensing Authority, the other responsible authorities also must be informed of your application. If you submit the application as a written form it will be your responsibility to inform the other Responsible Authorities. If you submit your application by email the licensing section will do this for you.

Note that your application will not be valid until your payment is received. To pay for your application call 01932 838383 during normal office hours.

If you are looking to make changes to an existing licence, notify us of your change of details or apply to be a designated premises supervisor, see our licensing forms page.

Step six

Ensure that you fulfil your statutory obligation to advertise your application. If this is not done your application will be delayed until it has been advertised. The notices shown below are for your attention but please be aware that if you are applying for a premises licence under section 17, for a provisional statement under section 29, to vary a premises licence under section 34, for a club premises certificate under section 71 or to vary a club premises certificate under section 84 the person making the application shall advertise the application containing the appropriate information set out in regulation below

(a) for a period of no less than 28 consecutive days starting on the day after the day on which the application was given to the relevant licensing authority, by displaying a notice, which is—

  •  of a size equal or larger than A4,
  • of a pale blue colour, (The act merely specifies a pale blue paper which is open to interpretation of course but anything light but certainly not navy blue will be fine).
  • printed legibly in black ink or typed in black in a font of a size equal to or larger than 16

In all cases, prominently at or on the premises to which the application relates where it can be conveniently read from the exterior of the premises and in the case of a premises covering an area of more than 50 metres square, a further notice in the same form and subject to the same requirements every fifty metres along the external perimeter of the premises abutting any highway; and

By publishing a notice (see below) — in a local newspaper or, if there is none, in a local newsletter, circular or similar document, circulating in the vicinity of the premises; On at least one occasion during the period of 10 working days starting on the day after the day on which the application was given to the relevant licensing authority.

What happens next

Once your application is accepted there is a 28-day consultation period during which time anyone can make a representation. Provided no representations are made your licence/certificate will then be granted.

Should there be representations we would move on to hold a hearing unless parties were able to reach a compromise.