CCTV cameras are located in every town in Runnymede, providing community safety for residents and visitors 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
The Safer Runnymede Control Centre in Addlestone monitors CCTV cameras used in about 7,000 incidents a year. It receives more than 20,000 Careline calls, approximately 2,000 calls for out-of-hours services, as well as alarm activations from council premises, each year.
View the location of CCTV cameras in the borough using the map below.
Cameras record and are monitored 24 hours a day, every day of the year, in the Safer Runnymede care and control centre. This also includes a deployable CCTV camera that can be used at locations outside the existing network.
The pictures are full colour except in unlit areas at night when infrared lamps give excellent monochrome images. They are of evidential quality, have been used many times to obtain convictions, and are operated to a strict code of practice
The CCTV work performed by Runnymede has been acknowledged by the National Security Inspectorate as complying with its code of practice launched in November 2015.
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