Safer Runnymede

CCTV footage requests

CCTV cameras throughout the borough to help prevent, detect and reduce crime.

Who can request CCTV footage?

We are only able to release CCTV footage under certain circumstances for example

  • Members of the public can request footage of themselves as  Subject Access Request
  • The police can request footage when they are investigating an incident under the Data Protection Act 2018
  • Insurance companies and solicitors can request footage if they are investigating an insurance claim under the Data Protection Act 2018. (Note there is charge of £161.26 plus VAT per request where applicable) 

Once we receive your request, we will acknowledge it and let you know if we require any further information. Payment is not made until we ask you to do so. 

CCTV Subject Access Request

Your personal information can be requested under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018.

Requesting your information is classed as Subject Access Request (SAR). If you wish to make SAR it can be made verbally or in writing.

In order for us to ensure that we release information to the appropriate individuals, we may need to check your identity. You need to provide proof of identification such as driving licence or passport.

You can request footage of yourself only and when doing so you must confirm the following details

  • place where the incident occurred
  • date when the incident occurred
  • time when the incident occurred

Requests can be made using the form below or calling 01932 838383

We have a calendar month to respond to a SAR, from the first working day of receipt.

CCTV footage requests from the police

CCTV footage can be requested by the police when investigating incidents.

If you have been the victim of crime, or in crime-related incident, you should report it to the police by calling either 999 in an emergency or 101 in non-emergency. The police can make request direct to us to retain or view the footage.

If you have been involved in car collision or incident with police involvement, and you have crime reference number, you should contact the police directly to request CCTV footage from us. If you ask us for footage, you will just be advised to contact the police.

CCTV footage requests from insurance companies or legal representatives

If you've been involved in road traffic collision or incident without police involvement, you should ask your insurance company or solicitor to request the footage under Schedule 2, Part 1(5) of the Data Protection Act 2018.

Please note that we may charge you for requesting CCTV footage.

Please contact

CCTV Freedom of Information Act requests

You can make request for any information the council may hold under the Freedom of Information (FOI) act.

An FOI request may be made for any corporate information recorded by the Council, for example “how many CCTV cameras exist in Runnymede”. Requests for your own personal information should be made via a SAR, and not an FOI.

FOI requests have to be made in writing and must include

  • name and address for correspondence
  • description of the information you are seeking

Requests can be made by using the form below or by emailing

We have 20 working days to respond to an FOI, from the first working date of receipt.

Parking tickets, fixed penalty notices or lost property

If you are disputing the issuing of any parking tickets or penalty charge notices, you need to address this with the issuer.

CCTV footage cannot be used to resolve parking disputes or matters such as lost property.

CCTV footage of other people

CCTV footage of other individuals is classed as third-party personal information and so is neither disclosable via a SAR nor an FOI request.

Requests for any third-party personal information should be made quoting the relevant section of the Data Protection Act 2018.

Requests can be made by emailing