Housing repairs

Emergency repairs

Emergency repairs cannot be reported online. To report an emergency repair call 01932 838383

An emergency repair is any of the following circumstances

  • total loss of electric heating or hot water (November to April only)
  • total or partial loss of cold-water supply
  • total or partial loss of electricity
  • leaking pipes or drains
  • blocked drain or toilet, or no other toilet that can be flushed within the property
  • unsafe electrics
  • re-securing / making safe items if they are dangerous or a risk to life, for example windows and external doors

Out of hours emergency repairs 

Runnymede Borough Council provide an emergency out of hours service which operates from the hours of 17:00 until 08:00. This service is for emergency works only that cannot wait until the next working day. The service is a make safe only and any further works required will be undertaken during normal business hours. Wilful misuse of this service may result in residents being recharged. To report an emergency repair call 01932 838383

The Repairs Handbook is for council tenants to understand the repairs service and what they can expect to receive from the Council as their landlord.

Get in touch about housing repairs

The quickest way to contact us is by using our online forms which are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you need to speak to us give us a call during office hours and talk to our Customer Services team who will be happy to help.