Electric Vehicle Strategy

Electric vehicle

The Electric Vehicle (EV) Strategy sets out the Council’s approach to support the transition from petrol and diesel vehicles to EV, which brings benefits through lowering carbon emissions, reducing road transport noise, and reducing air pollution. The strategy forms a critical part of the Council’s response to climate change, and supports the objectives of the Council’s Climate Change Strategy. Adoption of the strategy was approved at Full Council on 7 December 2023 the agenda and minutes for which can be viewed on the website. 

The EV Strategy states seven aims to achieve the overarching purpose of encouraging the shift towards EVs as part of a sustainable transport system. These are:

  • To increase provision of publicly available electric vehicle charging infrastructure and ensure that the charge points are accessible to those with mobility issues. You can find electric charging points installed in the borough.
  • To help reduce carbon emissions and improve air quality in Runnymede.
  • To integrate RBC charging infrastructure with other EV charging initiatives being undertaken locally, such as those being installed by Surrey County Council and private sector companies, so as to avoid duplication and ensure that overall, sufficient infrastructure is installed across the borough to help to incentivise the use of electric/hybrid vehicles over internal combustion engine powered equivalents.
  • To ensure residents and businesses understand the options for, and benefits of, EV ownership as well as where they can find information about charging points.
  • To make residents and businesses aware of available grants.
  • To lead by example by ensuring our own Council fleets uses cleaner EV technology at the earliest opportunity, where it is practical and offers the taxpayer good value for money.
  • To encourage staff to transition from fossil fuel-based vehicles by supporting measures designed to aid transition e.g., staff salary sacrifice schemes.

The EV Strategy contains seven key action points as part of an Action Plan to 2026, with the initial priority actions that the Council intends to take to implement the strategy grouped around them.  For each key action point, information on what has been done to date and short-term proposed actions up to 2026 are included.              

As it is important that the EV Strategy can respond to technological changes, mobility trends, policy changes, and financial considerations, it will be subject to regular review.

PDF icon Electric Vehicle Strategy


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