Net Zero Carbon Toolkit

The Runnymede Net Zero Carbon Toolkit has been designed to assist building professionals and homeowners in the planning, design and construction of both new build and retrofit housing projects.

The Council’s Climate Change Study highlights that rapid decarbonisation of the existing building stock in Runnymede is required to achieve national 2050 net zero targets, as well as ensuring that any new buildings do not add to emissions in the area. 

PDF icon Climate change study

Pulling together the latest guidance and best practice, the Toolkit provides a useful technical, go-to guide on what to consider in the very early stages of design; how to achieve fabric efficiency; what systems to include; where to go for expert advice; and what to consider once you’ve finished your housing project. 

Who is the Toolkit for?

If you are looking to undertake a new build or retrofit project, we strongly encourage you to consider the guidance contained within the Toolkit.

Aimed at small or medium-sized house builders, architects, self-builders and consultants, the Toolkit covers a range of steps from pre-planning right through to construction, for delivering net zero carbon, low-energy homes.
The Toolkit also provides guidance and advice for homeowners looking to retrofit or extend their existing property, on what they need to consider and how they can implement energy efficiency measures and begin the process of decarbonising their homes in a more affordable, phased approach.

Implementing the measures laid out in the new Toolkit will help reduce the carbon footprint of new and existing buildings. Making significant reductions to a home’s carbon emissions also means lower energy bills for homeowners, more people out of fuel poverty and homes that are comfortable and healthier to live in.

The Toolkit can also be used by those involved in the design of new development to understand how the energy-related policy requirements of the Council’s 2030 Local Plan can be met and, wherever possible, exceeded (Policy SD8 of the 2030 Local Plan).

2030 Local plan

How can others use the Toolkit?

The Runnymede Net Zero Carbon Toolkit is an adaptation of a toolkit originally commissioned by The Forest of Dean, Cotswold and West Oxfordshire District Councils and developed and produced in 2021 by leading technical experts from Etude, the Passivhaus Trust, Levitt Bernstein and Elementa Consulting. 

The Toolkit is an output of funding from the Local Government Association Housing Advisers Programme, licenced under Creative Commons Licence (BY-NC-SA 4.0) and designed to be shared with and used by other local authorities under a common goal to achieve the UK’s legally binding net zero target. 

Runnymede Borough Council has customised the Toolkit to reflect its own policy framework and local circumstances. Further information about how the Toolkit may be used is listed on page 2 of the document. 

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You can view a presentation of the Toolkit, which was produced as an aid by the authors of the original toolkit. 

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