Your guide to Council Tax

Your Council Tax

Council Tax for Runnymede residents is £2,380.06 for a Band D property. This pays for services provided by

  • Surrey County Council (£1,846.35)
  • Surrey Police (£337.57)
  • Runnymede Borough Council (£196.14)

The charge for each band is based on the open market value of your property as at 1 April 1991. The Council Tax charge for each band in 2025/26 is

Band Open market value Runnymede Borough Council Surrey County Council (including ASC) Surrey Police Total
A </= £40K £130.76 £1,230.90 £225.05 £1,586.71
B £40K - £52K £152.56 £1,436.05 £262.55 £1,851.16
C £52K - £68K £174.35 £1,641.20 £300.06 £2,115.61
D £68K - £88K £196.14 £1,846.35 £337.57 £2,380.06
E £88K - £120K £239.73 £2,256.65 £412.58 £2,908.96
F £120K - £160K £283.31 £2,666.95 £487.60 £3,437.86
G £160K - £320K £326.90 £3,077.25 £562.62 £3,966.77
H Over £320K £392.28 £3,692.70 £675.14 £4,760.12

Annual percentage changes in Council Tax (shown to two decimal places only) between this year and last year are:

  • Surrey County Council (including ASC): 4.99% increase
  • Surrey Police: 4.33% increase
  • Runnymede Borough Council: 2.99% increase

The overall percentage increase is 4.73%


The Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government has made an offer to adult social care authorities. ("Adult social care authorities" are local authorities which have functions under Part 1 of the Care Act 2014, namely County Councils in England, District Councils for an area in England for which there is no County Council, London Borough Councils, the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.)

The offer is the option of an adult social care authority being able to charge an additional "precept" on its Council Tax without holding a referendum, to assist the authority in meeting its expenditure on adult social care from the financial year 2016-17. It was originally made in respect of the financial years up to and including 2019-20. If the Secretary of State chooses to renew this offer in respect of a particular financial year, this is subject to the approval of the House of Commons.

For more information on adult social care please see Surrey County Council's website or contact Surrey County Council on 0300 200 1005

Get in touch about Council Tax

The quickest way to contact us is by using our online forms which are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you need to speak to us give us a call during office hours and talk to our Customer Services team who will be happy to help.