Your guide to Council Tax

Council Tax budget

Our budget for 2024/25 and 2025/26
2024/25 Budgets   2025/26 Budgets




Service Expenditure
4,073 1,711 2,362 Housing Services 3,815 2,158 1,657
14,335 14,374 (39) Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support 14,333 14,374 (41)
8,189 4,157 4,032 Community Services 8,145 4,583 3,562
11,146 4,117 7,029 Environmental and Sustainability 11,259 4,557 6,702
19,047 11,464 7,583 Corporate Management 18,944 11,644 7,300
3,605 1,629 1,976 Planning Services 3,585 1,575 2,010
290 136 154 Licensing and Regulatory Services 293 137 156
60,685 37,588 23,097 Total - General Fund Services 60,374 39,028 21,346
(2,169) Asset Management Account (2,604)
(11,598) Treasury and Financing (10,609)
(1,357) Government Grants (2,112)
3,086 Contribution to/(from) Reserves 4,681
11,059 Budget Requirement 10,702
4,264 Business Rates Retained 3,600
6,795 Council Tax Payers 7,102
11,059 Budget Requirement 10,702

The cost of Council housing is met from rents and the budgets for this service are not shown in this statement. Council housing receives no subsidy from Council Tax.

The websites for Surrey County Council and Surrey Police have further information about their budgets

Get in touch about Council Tax

The quickest way to contact us is by using our online forms which are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you need to speak to us give us a call during office hours and talk to our Customer Services team who will be happy to help.